Title: A Treasure Trove of Alcohol Science: Alcohol Studies Archives at Rutgers
Presenters: Judit Ward & Nicholas Allred
Abstract: When the Information Services Division at the Center of Alcohol Studies was shut down in 2016, among the losses was the Alcohol Library with its efforts to preserve and share the Alcohol Studies Archives. Collected, curated, and digitized by librarians and researchers for decades, these unique items not only tell the story of the birth of alcohol studies as a discipline in the 1940s, but also follow the Center’s move from Yale to Rutgers in the early 1960s. As the first and oldest alcohol collection, the archives preserved an enormous amount of scholarly and lay resources in the discipline on research, treatment, education, publication, and information dissemination in alcohol studies in various formats. Equally unique is the wealth of material related to the temperance movement and the prohibition era, not available anywhere else. This presentation will show the latest efforts to try to preserve some of this content on RUL-managed platforms, such as Omeka, RUCore, and Drupal, and provide access to at least a small portion of this collection.