This guide includes links to resources that will help Rutgers I-Corps participants find data, reports, articles, and other types of business, science, and patent information.
Library research guide listing sources of information for reports generated by scientific research projects.
Rutgers Science and Technical Databases
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library (1954 to the present, with a small selection of earlier materials) Contains full-text articles published in ACM and affiliated organizations' periodicals and proceedings, as well as bibliographic information, abstracts, and reviews. Computing topic coverage includes software, hardware, computational theory, artificial intelligence, information science, human-computer interaction, instructional technology, and R&D.
Compendex - (1969 to the present) Comprehensive bibliographic database of engineering research covering nuclear technology, bioengineering, transportation, chemical and process engineering, light and optical technology, agricultural engineering and food technology, computers and data processing, applied physics, electronics and communications, control, civil, mechanical, materials, petroleum, aerospace and automotive engineering as well as narrower subtopics.
IEEE Xplore (1988 to the present with select titles back to 1913) covers more than 30% of the world's literature in electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, information science, materials science, physical sciences and biomedical engineering. Provides full text access to journals, conference proceedings and standards from more than 36 not-for-profit Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) societies and The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE).
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970 - present) Provides worldwide coverage of pharmaceutical science and health related literature from 1970 to the present. Citations come from over 750 journals providing comprehensive information for drug therapy, toxicity, and pharmacy practice as well as legislation, regulation, technology, utilization, biopharmaceuticals, information processing, education, economics, and ethics as related to pharmaceutical science and practice.
O'Reilly - Collection of technology and business resources, including over 40,000 ebooks, 2,000 audiobooks, 6,000 videos, self-paced courses, and curated topical playlists of content. Subjects covered include artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning; business; career development; cybersecurity; data engineering & data science; design; programming languages; mobile, software, and web development; and more.
Scopus(1823 - present; cited reference search covers 1996 - present) Offers coverage in the physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences and social sciences and humanities. It is a citation and abstract database with over 50 million records with patents from five offices. Can be used to demonstrate the impact of particular articles and authors.
Web of Science- indexes leading scholarly journals, books, proceedings, and other formats. Its major subject areas include sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, including access to several regional, subject, and format-specific databases.