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Rutgers I-Corps

This guide includes links to resources that will help Rutgers I-Corps participants find data, reports, articles, and other types of business, science, and patent information.

FInd Articles

  • Business Source Premier covers business and management topics including company histories, competitive intelligence, country reports, industry profiles, and product development. It contains full-text of articles from 8,000 U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines. Link to the Business Source Premier tutorial created by Ed Hahn at Weber State University for guidance.
  • Factiva includes the Wall Street Journal from 1984 to the present and the New York Times from 1980 to the present (also has company profiles). Link to the Factiva Research Guide for assistance using this source. 
  • Regional Business News includes NJBiz and Crain's New York Business, along with business news magazines, newspapers and newswires from major U.S. metropolitan areas. 
  • Westlaw Campus Research includes access to Reuters news and company information from Hoover's Company Records, with profiles for thousands of private and public U.S. corporations, and SEC Filings.
  • The Wall Street Journal - Full-text news articles, opinion pieces, columns, blogs, financial information, reviews, and videos covering U.S. and world news, education, politics, technology, real estate, sports, health, and the arts. Also provides the abiltiy to sign up for newsletter alerts. For the historical archive, go to The Wall Street Journal (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) (July 8, 1889 - December 31, 2002). 
  • The New York Times - Create a personal account to gain full access to and The New York Times app. Also features the ability to sign up for newsletter alerts. 
  • Access World News - Full-text content from regional and international newspapers, wire services and broadcast news transcripts. Includes a database of New Jersey newspapers.

Media Alerts

Several Rutgers databases allow the ability to set up news/media alerts, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Access World News and EBSCO (which includes Business Source Premier and Regional Business News).

See the Media Alert Instruction Sheet below for details.