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Rutgers I-Corps

This guide includes links to resources that will help Rutgers I-Corps participants find data, reports, articles, and other types of business, science, and patent information.

Patents - Public & Free Sources

Search Canadian industrial designs from 1861 to the present.

Canadian patents database lets you access 93 years of patent descriptions and images, with titles, names and classifications searchable from 1869. 

Handles patents, utility models and designs, trademarks and geographical indications for China.

This database serves as a resource for policy makers and members of the general public interested in fields like genomics, genetics and biotechnology. Contains a collection of DNA-based patents and patent applications issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and makes the full-text of such patents and applications available to users at no cost.

From this site you can get access to the European Patent Office's search engine, Espacenet, a free Internet service from the European Patent Organization with access dating back to 1836. All the tools and information that inventors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, researchers and enterprises need to conduct business with the European Patent Office are listed on this page. Espacenet Tutorial explains how to search esp@cenet, the European Patent Office's online patent database

Provides fast, easy-to-use and free access to millions of patents and patent applications. Patent search and online research community - developing tools to make searching world’s patent data easier and more convenient

The German Patent and Trademark Office’s DEPATISnet contains patent data from approximately 90 countries and regional patent offices, making it comparable to the Espacenet system.  Search interfaces in German and English are available.  German Patent Images 1877+ and Full text 1987+.

Google Patent Search covers the entire collection of patents made available by the USPTO issued from the 1790s through the middle of 2006. Currently it does not include patent applications, international patents, or U.S. patents issued over the last few months. Both general and Advanced Patent Search options are featured.

The Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat), launched by The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT). Provides patent information including utility-model, design, trademark information. 

 provides intellectual property searching for attorneys, corporate researchers and inventors.  

The IPO has direct administrative responsibility for examining and issuing or rejecting patents, and maintaining registers of intellectual property including patents, designs and trade marks in the UK.

The Patent Public Search tool is a new web-based patent search application that is replacing internal legacy search tools PubEast and PubWest and external legacy search tools PatFT and AppFT. Patent Public Search has two user selectable modern interfaces that provide enhanced access to prior art. This list of Quick Reference Guides outlines what the tool can do, how to quickly leverage its benefits, and where to get help if you need assistance. The new capabilities are designed to improve the overall patent searching process and can be used to search up to 3 databases at the same time:

  • US-PGPUB-U.S. Pre-Grant Publications (Published Patent Applications) since 2001.
  • USPAT-all issued U.S. patents since 1790.
  • USOCR-text of issued U.S. patents from appx. 1830’s to 1970 scanned by OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

NOTE: Patent Public Search works best in Google Chrome browsers and is ok in Microsoft Edge. It does NOT work in Safari; Mac users should use Chrome for Mac. It also does not work in tablets or phone browsers.

You can also browse through newly issued patents with the Electronic Official Gazette for Patents (eOG:P). 

Search or browse World Patent bibliographic data, abstracts & drawings of published PCT applications. Abstracts are in English, with full patent images in the language of the inventor's country.  Link directly to the searchable index of international patent applications at  Patentscope.

USPTO Seminars/Webinars/Guides

USPTO Path to a Patent Series - The Path to a Patent quarterly series covers everything from intellectual property basics, to patent searching, to what is required to draft and submit a patent application. The series is part of the USPTO's ongoing intellectual property training for independent inventors, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.

USPTO Events - Includes in-person and virtual events on patents and trademarks.

Patent Research Guide

For more in-depth information about patents and patent searching, take a look at the Patent Research Guide created by former Rutgers University Libraries Engineering Librarian & Patent Specialist, Connie Wu.

Patent Classification Systems

There are currently two classification systems in use: the International Patent Classification (IPC) and the new Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC).  The CPC replaces both the USPC (United States Patent Classification System) and the ECLA (European Classification System).  The CPC replaced the ECLA in 2013, and the USPC in 2015.

Rutgers Patent Databases

PATFT: Issued Patents / AppFT: Patent Applications (Unrestricted Access)

The PATFT database includes full text U.S. patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant patents and SIR documents) from 1790 to the present.  Patents from January 1976 to the present offer the full searchable text, including all bibliographic data, such as the inventor's name, the patent's title, and the assignee's name; the abstract; the full description of the invention; and the claims. The display of each patent's full-text includes a hyperlink to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent.


Standards are written descriptions of the criteria for a specific product, process, test, or procedure that is agreed to by formal processes. Here lists several sites of standard databases.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI delivers enterprise-wide, electronic access to the most standards collections. Entire document collections are available via the ANSI Online Electronic Standards Store (ESS). Thousands of standards are ready for immediate download with a fee.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Compass 
A collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information containing ASTM's 13,000 standards in more than 130 industry areas, symposia and Special Technical Publications (STPs), manuals, monographs, data series, and journals. 

Standards and Specifications written by Scholarly Societies
Provides by the University of Waterloo, the site links to standards-developing societies and associations from around the world.