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Marketing (33:630:301):Retail Marketing (29:630:368), Marketing Research (29:630:385), (29:630:452) (22:630:550) (22:630:586) (22:630:609); Advertising (29:630:363); Consumer Behavior (29:630:610) : Marketing and Society (29:630:428) Digital Marketing

Business Source Premier covers marketing and management topics including product development, strategic planning, pricing, business location, promotion, branding, competitive intelligence, and market and industry profiles. It contains citations, lengthy abstracts, and in most cases, the full-text of articles from 8,000 U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines. (Rutgers-restricted access)

ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection has articles about consumer behavior.  A sample search:

online sports

AND  consumer*      [* is a wild card.]

May limit to full text or peer reviewed articles.


PsycINFO, the online equivalent of Psychological Abstracts, includes a consumer psychology section.  Try searches with and without the "Map Term to Subject Heading" feature (check box) to see which one works better for your search.


Google Scholar searches across a wide range of scholarly literature from around the world, including journals, books, theses, dissertations, conference papers, preprints, and technical reports. Sources include academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other scholarly websites. 

Web Resources

There are dozens of freely-accessible sources for Industry News and Trade Magazines.