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Genocide Studies

Regional Studies: The Americas

Hispanic-American Periodical Index [HAPI]
1970- . The major multidisciplinary periodical index for Latin American Studies. Indexes over 400 scholarly journals published in the U.S. and Latin America. Rutgers-restricted Access
Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales Y Humanisticas. Searchable database of full-text scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities for the study of Latin America and the Caribbean. Rutgers-restricted Access
SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online
Full text articles, most in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, from Latin American journals, as well as journals from Spain and South Africa.
CLASE: Citas Latinoamericanos en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Index to articles and other documents from approximately 1,500 social science and humanities serials published in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Maps of the Americas
From the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas at Austin.