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Genocide Studies

The Historical Stage

Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History
Spencer C. Tucker, editor. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO, 1998.
More than 900 signed entries, most with brief bibliographies. Considers all aspects of the war in historical context, including Vietnam-related literature and film. Extensive collection of historical documents (1920-1995). Rutgers-restricted Access
Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
Philip Mattar, editor. 2nd edition. New York, Macmillian Reference USA, 2004. 4 volumes.
"The set covers the modern history of the Middle East and North Africa, with major sections on Colonialism and Imperialism, the World Wars, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the United Nations involvement in the region." Rutgers-restricted Access
Holocaust Encyclopedia
Virtual encyclopedia from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

History in Dispute

"Addresses heavily debated questions by offering different critical perspectives on major historical events, drawn from all time periods and from all parts of the globe." Thematic volumes include:
Volume 1: The Cold War: First Series
Volume 2: American Social and Political Movements - 1945-2000: Pursuit of Liberty
Volume 3: American Social and Political Movements - 1900-1945: Pursuit of Progress
Volume 4: World War II - 1939-1943
Volume 5: World War II - 1943-1945
Volume 6: The Cold War: Second Series
Volume 7: Water and the Environment Since 1945: Global Perspectives
Volume 8: World War I: First Series
Volume 9: World War I: Second Series
Volume 10: The Crusades - 1095-1291
Volume 11: The Holocaust - 1933-1945
Volume 12: The American Revolution - 1763-1789
Volume 13: Slavery in the Western Hemisphere - circa 1500-1888
Volume 14: The Middle East Since 1945: First Series
Volume 15: The Middle East Since 1945: Second Series
Volume 16: Twentieth-Century European Social and Political Movements: First Series
Volume 17: Twentieth-Century European Social and Political Movements: Second Series
Volume 18: The Spanish Civil War
Volume 19: The Red Scare After 1945
Volume 20: Classical Antiquity and Classical Studies
Volume 21: Revolutionary Russia - 1890-1930