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Newark by the Numbers

This guide focuses on resources containing data on the city of Newark, New Jersey. For an extensive bibliography (books, articles, reports, web sites) on Newark see The Newark Experience .

Newark Public Schools District


Newark Board of Education Data and Research
"The Newark Board of Education Academic and Strategic Data Team serves to provide comprehensive analysis to support evidence-based decision-making in the district. This includes: designing and producing internal reports and data tools, responding to ad hoc data requests, conducting evaluations of programs and cohorts, compliance data reporting, and supporting external researchers seeking to work with the district."

Newark Schools

Myths and Realities: The Impact of the State Takeover on Students and Schools in Newark.
William M. Eglinton Boston Mass., Community Training and Assistance Center, c.2000.
Data and perceptions on school and district operations, community engagement, and student performance five years after the State takeover of Newark city schools.
School District Demographics
2010 Census, Census 2000 and Census 1990 demographic data about children and their living environment, by school district, as well as demographic data from the American Community Surveys. Includes database which allows you to either generate tables for a single school district, or compare your district to another school district.
Census of Governments: 2009 Public Education Finances
Revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets of elementary and secondary public school systems. Site includes downloadable tables
  • Table 15: Finances of Individual Public Elementary-Secondary School Systems with Enrollment of 10,000 or More: 2008-9
Beating the Odds: Analysis of Student Performance on State Assessments and NAEP: City by City Analysis: Newark City Schools pp.380-388
District demographic data plus data on trends in reading and math achievement on the state assessments reported by grade, ethnicity, economic status, language proficiency, and disability. Annual report from the Council of the Great City Schools.
Newark Public Schools: Budget
Detailed report on the budgets for each of the Newark Schools, from 2008 to current.
New Jersey School Performance Reports
Narrative profile plus data (class size, internet connectivity, grade enrollment, language diversity, student performance indicators, faculty, district financial data, etc.] for each school in New Jersey, including Newark.

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