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Newark by the Numbers

This guide focuses on resources containing data on the city of Newark, New Jersey. For an extensive bibliography (books, articles, reports, web sites) on Newark see The Newark Experience .

Newark PD Crime Stats


Newark Police Division: Crime Stats
Current Crime Statistics for the City of Newark, prepared by the NPD Comstat Unit. Additional statistical data can be obtained by contacting the Comstat Unit.

Crime and Public Safety

Uniform Crime Reports
Annual reports produced by the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division. One of the two national measures of U.S. crime, unlike the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) the UCR is based on specific offenses reported to law enforcement agencies. UCR reports include:
New Jersey Uniform Crime Reports
Annual reports; the most comprehensive compilation of New Jersey crime statistics. Data for state, county, and municipal levels, as well as seasonal crime rates for New Jersey resort communities. In addition to data on the standard Index Offenses reported nationally, also has data on Non-Index Offenses (e.g., manslaughter, simple assault, fraud, weapons charges, drug violations, DUI, etc.), as well as statistics on offender demographics (age, sex, race, ethnic origin).
Juvenile Demographics and Statistics - Juvenile Justice Commission
Statistical data and tables on the sentencing of juveniles for criminal acts. Compiled by the State of New Jersey, Department of Law and Public Safety, Office of the Attorney General, Juvenile Justice Commission
Police Departments in Large Cities, 1990-2000
Trends from 1990 to 2000 in police departments serving U.S. cities with 250,000 or more residents. Data on the number of sworn and civilian personnel, female and minority representation among sworn personnel, officer salaries, officer training and education requirements, operating budgets, UCR crime rates, computers and information systems, types of equipment used, type and number of vehicles, and types of special units. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, May 2002.