Digitized Polish Historic Newspapers and Serials (annotated links collection from the University of Illinois)
Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library of the National Library of Spain
Global Press Archive [Growing collection of historical newspapers, presently 1473 with greatest number, 987, from Mexico]
Latin American Newspapers [Newsbank/Readex collection, stops at 1922]
JPRS Reports [Translated foreign press produced by JPRS, a unit of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), from 1957 – 1995]
The Times Digital Archive. This is the Times of London, 1785-2014, Coverage is international.
L’Aurore (Paris, France). Alexander Film Shelved by title OCT 1,1897-AUG 2,1914
La Croix (Paris, France). Alexander Film Shelved by title JUN 16,1883-MAR 31,1919
La Dépêche (Paris, France) Alexander Film Shelved by title 1890-1910
Le Figaro (Paris, France) Alexander Film Shelved by title JAN 1890-JUN 1919
Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt (Frankfurt am Main). ALEX FLMPER SHELVED BY TITLE JUL 24,1914-AUG 14,1920
Le Monde (Paris, France). Alexander Film Shelved by title 1960--
Münchner neueste Nachrichten (München, Germany). ALEX FLMPER SHELVED BY TITLE AUG 2,1914-AUG 31,1919
La petite république (Paris, France). Alexander Film Shelved by title Nov1893-Dec1910
La petite république française (Paris, France). Alexander Film Shelved by title 1893
Pravda (Moscow, Soviet Union/Russia). Alexander Film Shelved by title 1957-2004
La Repubblica (Rome, Italy). Alexander Film Shelved by title 1976-2004
Le Temps (Paris, France). Alexander Film Shelved by title 1890-1914