History of Social Welfare Policies & Programs Up to the 1930s
This guide focuses on resources that you can use when seeking information on the history of social welfare policies and programs in the U.S. up to the 1930s.
Helen Jackson. New Edition. Boston, Little Brown, and Company, 1909 [c.1885].
Hunt's 1881 publication about the unjust treatment that Indians were receiving at the hands of the federal government triggered pressure for reform of Indian policies which resulted in the 1887 Dawes Act.
Under the Dawes Act Indian tribes lost their legal standing and all tribal lands were converted to individual ownership. Note: Select "document transcript" to see the actual text of the Act.
David Wallace Adams. Pacific Historical Review 48(3), 1979, pp., 335-356.
The education of Hopi children in reservation and nonreservation boarding schools is presented as an example of late-19th century federal Indian policy. Rutgers-restricted Access
David E. Wilkins. Social Science Journal 30(2), April 1, 1993, 181-207.
Analyzes "107 federal court cases involving American Indian tribal sovereignty and federal pleary [sic] power rendered between 1870 and 1921...[with a] focus on the Court's role in formulating public policy towards American Indian tribes in four major issue areas: congressional power, criminal law, allotment and membership, and natural resources." Rutgers-restricted Access.
Donald T. Critchlow. Historian 43(3), May 1981, 325-344.
After years of criticism of the U.S. Indian Service, in the Spring of 1926 Lewis Meriam of the Institute for Government Research was asked to investigate the prevailing social conditions among American Indians. His subsequent report, The Problem of Indian Administration (1928) is considered a major turning point in federal Indian policy. Rutgers-restricted Access.