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Rutgers Art Library (RAL)- New Brunswick

Art History Indexes

Many databases offer full text of articles; however, if a database indexes citations or abstracts but not full text, you may not have instant access to the whole article. You can click on the Get It @ R button to see if Rutgers has it on another database or at the library. If you are not able to access then you will need to place an InterLibrary Loan request.


*Please see a full list of databases relating to the Arts at this LINK.

**The links above go to databases that contain information about art history articles, books, catalogs, and more!  (For help using the indexes, click on the "i" next to each name.)

Google Scholar

Google Scholar searches scholarly literature and includes peer-reviewed papers, dissertations, book citations, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from a variety of content providers. Some content is available in full text.

Be sure to access Google Scholar through an RU campus computer or from the list of Indexes and Databases on the RU Libraries website (or click here). This way you will get instant access to full text resources that are available from Rutgers University Libraries-subscribed databases or electronic journals.

When you are looking for an article, search by author, title, or subject, same as you would in a library catalog, or search by keyword like you would in Google, using all of the tips in the box next to this one. After a search, you can filter your results by manipulating the options on the left side of the screen, for example date range and relevance. On the right side of the screen you will see what the availablity is of each result in your list. If the full-text of an article is available via open-access or through the university, a link will be made available. If there is no link, then only the bibiliography is available, and you will want to search the Rutgers catalog or Interlibrary Loan if you want to pursue the item.

Google Search Tips

1. Put quotes ("") around multiple words to search as a phrase rather than individual words. Good for finding exact quotations.

   Example: ["In one of its panels a very singular figure riveted my whole attention."]

2. Use a star (*) for wildcard searching, which finds multiple endings of a single word.

   Example: [paint*] finds paint, paints, painter, painting, etc.

3. Use minus sign (-) to eliminate word or term from search.

   Example: [jaguar speed -car] finds information on the animal

4. Add the term "site:" to limit searching to a single website or domain.

   Example1 : [futurism] searches only the Met's website

   Example 2: [futurism] searches only university websites

5. Find more search box tips here or visit Google Scholar Help.

Electronic Journals

Want to search the Rutgers University Libraries journals or how to use BrowZine makes it easy to find, read, and monitor academic journals in your area of study.

  • ArcheoArte: Rivista elettronica di Archeologia e Arte- An Italian open access journal published by Università degli studi di Cagliari. Focuses on archaeology, ancient history, and art history.
  • EMAJ: Electronic Melbourne Art Journal - Australia's only online, refereed art journal. It "provide[s] an international forum for the publication of original academic research in all areas and periods of art history. Topics covered include fine arts, architecture, curatorship, politics and aesthetics, visual culture, philosophy, historiography and museum studies."
  • Janus Head is a journal Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts.
  • Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art- Publishes...peer-reviewed articles that focus on art produced in the Netherlands (north and south) during the early modern period (c. 1400-c.1750), and in other countries and later periods as they relate to Netherlandish art.
  • Museum and Society- is an interdisciplinary journal with a wide ranging interest in all issues associated with museums and other places of public culture concerned with collecting, exhibiting and display."
  • Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide- is a scholarly, refereed e-journal devoted to the study of nineteenth-century painting, sculpture, graphic arts, photography, architecture, and decorative arts across the globe.
  • OADI : Rivista dell'Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia- An Italian e-journal focusing on Italian decorative art and Sicilian art. Published by Università degli Studi di Palermo.
  • Peregrinations- Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture published by the International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art.
  • RIHA Journal- RIHA Journal (Journal of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art) is "a peer reviewed Open Access journal featuring new research articles in the history of art and visual culture.