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Rutgers Art Library (RAL)- New Brunswick

Carrel Policy

Carrel assignments are made at the beginning of each academic year on a first-come, first-serve basis. Carrels will be assigned only to the graduate students who use their carrel at least once a week. Infrequent users can reserve a shelf in the Graduate/Faculty Research Room.


Carrels 315-320 have been designated for laptop use. If you will be using a laptop computer and are not in one of these carrels, please consult with your neighbors to find out whether the noise bothers them. If the noise proves to be a problem, we will rearrange the carrel assignments to accommodate the laptop user.


Keys to an assigned carrel will be provided to the occupants for a refundable deposit fee of $30.00.


All books in a carrel must be charged out at the Information Desk. Any books being used for more than 1 day must be charged out to the carrel. No periodicals, reference materials, X-books, or Vertical File materials may be kept in a carrel. Carrels will be checked regularly and all uncharged material will be removed and reshelves. Anyone who leaves uncharged materials, periodicals, reference books, etc. at their carrel will be reassigned to a shelf in the Graduate/Faculty Research Room, where material is cleared off the table on a regular basis.


Carrel users may charge NO MORE THAN 20 BOOKS AT A TIME.


Books borrowed from another carrel should be returned to the carrel they are charged out to, so that the borrower is not penalized for another user's negligence. Books borrowed from another carrel MUST be signed out on the sign-out sheet posted in the carrel, and signed back in when the borrower is finished using them. If any book signed out to a carrel is not in the carrel, record this information and ask the graduate student for the location of the book.


All library materials must be discharged and cleared off the carrel at the end of each academic year. Any personal belongings left in a carrel after the last day of classes will be removed and stored for a month. At the end of that time all items will be disposed of.


The privilege of having a carrel incurs responsibilities. Carrels should be properly maintained. Books should be shelved neatly. Improper shelving causes damage to the books, and costs money for rebinding or replacement.


Have questions?  Call the Art Library circulation desk at 848-932-7739 or email: Daphne Roberts, or Brian Stubbs,