Mainly art originating from the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt, and the Middle East.
Art, Ancient
Art, Ancient--Greece
Architecture, Ancient--Greece
Art, Ancient--Egypt
Art, Ancient--Middle East
Antiquities, Roman
Dyabola: indexes books, festschrift, journals, and collected works on antiquities, art, and archaeology in the Mediterranean world from antiquity through the early medieval period. To operate, first check the 'with IP-Access' box and then click 'Start.' You will see a list of the databases and will be able to click the language flag for the databases to which Rutgers University subscribes.
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Online:consists of a series of high-quality catalogues of mostly ancient Greek painted pottery in collections around the world. The first fascicule appeared in 1922 and since then around 380 have appeared, illustrating more than 100,000 vases in 24 countries.
Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica: AIAC aims to provide an international forum for Classical Archaeology, promoting communication between archaeologists and publishing archaeological discoveries and events. Primary focus is on Roman Archaeology.