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Institute of Jazz Studies

Sound and Video

Beyond the streaming audio and video resources available through Rutgers University Libraries' web resources, the Institute holds a nearly comprehensive library of jazz sound recordings in every format and an excellent moving image collection featuring everything from 16 mm film to DVDs.  These recordings are available for use in the Institute, either on your personal computer or in one of the Institute's listening/viewing booths.  In addition to jazz, the collection includes a limited number of recordings of related styles of music including blues, gospel, ragtime, funk, rock, and more.  Please watch the video tutorial here for more information.

The IJS additionally holds a large collection of 78 rpm discs, which are available for use on request.  Please see IJS reference desk staff if you would like to listen to a 78 rpm disc.  Many of these have been reissued on a more contemporary and accessible format, and we would be glad to help you locate the reissue if one exists.

Recordings of all formats are shelved in the closed stacks area, which is not open to users for browsing. Institute reference desk staff will be glad to page materials at your request.  For staff to retrieve an item, he/she needs to know its format, label, and issue number.  This information may be gathered most easily via the Rutgers University Libraries catalog, but may also be found in other sources, including discographies (online and in print), catalogs, and commercial websites.  Some materials may be restricted due to their condition.