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Arts Culture and Media: Everyday Data

Resources for finding data and developing information evaluation skills for the Everyday Data course.

Evaluating Websites

Evaluating Websites

Evaluating Websites

Accuracy Is the information presented accurate? Are the facts verifiable?

Authority: Who is the author? What expertise does the author have on the topic? Who sponsors the site? What is the domain name?

Objectivity: What is the purpose of this site? Check the About  link? What position or opinion is presented? Is it biased?

Currency: On what date was the page created? Do you need more current information?

Use: Is the information from this Web Page appropriate for a research paper?


Page is confirmed or denied as a valid and useful source.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Angela Lawrence
Dana Library, 4th Floor
185 University Avenue
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 353-3797
Subjects: Music