Scanned annual reports on health and health-related data and statistics; includes lots of Newark-specific data. Compiled by Mark C. Fulcomer and Marcia M. Sass.
The Newark Eligible Metropolitan Area Health Services Planning Council includes Essex, Union, Morris, Sussex, and Warren counties. The Newark EMA provides direct care and services for about 9000 persons living with HIV or AIDS. Site includes health plan, needs assessment, and resource allocation reports.
"This Comprehensive Plan reflects a shift in focus toward ensuring access to care and maintaining PLWHA in care, reaching those who are aware of their HIV status but not in care, and reaching those who are unaware of their HIV status. The Plan continues to focus on a continuum of care comprised of Ryan White and other resources that addresses the unmet need and service gaps identified through needs assessments. The Plan reflects a significant expansion of the EMA’s Quality Management Program including use of HRSA HAB Core Clinical Performance measures. It also includes new initiatives such as monitoring Viral Load Suppression which is one measure of community viral load. The Newark EMA continuum of care incorporates standards of care, which if met or exceeded, result in a quality system for PLWHA."
"The Newark Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA) Part A Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) has conducted annual needs assessments or needs assessment updates of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) since 1994, as required by the Ryan White legislation. These assessments have included an Epidemiological Profile (“Epi Profile”) of PLWHA in the five-county Newark EMA region – Essex, Morris, Sussex, Union, and Warren Counties. The Newark EMA Epidemiological Profile has been completed and updated annually, and the 2016 profile is included as Appendix A to be updated annually from 2017-2021."
"The New Jersey Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan is a collaborative plan for delivery of HIV care and treatment, as well as HIV prevention services across the state. The plan sets out clear goals and objectives to be achieved by 2020. The plan was developed in cooperation with DHSTS, NJHPG (New Jersey’s combined HIV Prevention and Ryan White Part B planning group), the four Emerging Metropolitan Areas (EMAs) and Transitional Grant Areas (TGAs) in the state (Newark EMA; Bergen-Passaic TGA; Hudson County TGA; Middlesex/Somerset/Hunterdon TGA), and the five New Jersey counties represented by the Philadelphia EMA. Representatives from each planning body worked collaboratively with the NJHPG to conduct needs assessments, gather planning data from across the state, and make recommendations to address gaps in HIV-related services as identified in the needs assessment and planning data. "
2017 statistics on Newark residents with HIV/AIDS. NJ Department of Health.
"Geographical AIDS Rates and Socio-Demographic Variable in the Newark, New Jersey Metropolitan Area,"
Dale J. Hu AIDS & Public Policy Journal 9(1), Spring 1994, 20-24.
Study examining the relationship between socioeconomic factors and the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Newark. Based on December 1991 zip code data, median household income was the variable most strongly associated with higher cumulative AIDS incidence. Available?
D. Jean Schneider and Marvin A. Lavenhar. American Journal of Public Health 76(3), March 1986, 242-244.
Lead paint used in pre-1950 housing is a major source of lead poisoning in children. In 1980 66 percent of Newark's housing stock predated 1950. An examination of the medical records of 236 Newark children treated for lead poisoning between 1977 and 1980 found that the number of cases began to rise after 1976, when a decrease in federal funding resulted in cutbacks in prevention and screening programs. Rutgers-restricted Access
Create customized tables of NJBRFS prevalence estimates for selected risk factors stratified by age, sex, race/ethnicity, nativity, marital status, education, employment status, and geographic area of residence (NJ counties, Newark, and Jersey City).