CDC-TV -- CDC-TV is a new online video delivery resource available through Web visitors can now view or download videos on a variety of health, safety and preparedness topics. Most videos are short and all include closed-captioning (some videos are also open-captioned), so they are accessible to all interested viewers. The library of videos will expand to include single-topic presentations as well as different video series focused on children, parents, and public health professionals. Available to the public
DPDx - Laboratory Identification of Parasitic Diseases of Public Health Concern -- This Parasitic A-Z database is developed and maintained by CDC's Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria (DPDM).
Public Health Image Library (PHIL) -- Hosted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PHIL offers an organized, searchable gateway to CDC's pictures. The content is organized into hierarchical categories of people, places, and science and is presented as single images, image sets, and multimedia files.
CDC & Schmidt, J. (2006). Image ID#: 9423. From CDC Public Health Image Library (PHIL).