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Medical Images and Videos

An extensive guide to medical image and video databases licensed by Rutgers University Libraries as well as a variety of open-access medical image and video resources

Dental Medicine Images and Video Resources

  • Before downloading images or video clips, you should always consult the website's copyright policy. Click on the Home button of this guide for information on citing images and videos.
  • Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences users: Please also check out the Image/Video Databases @ Rutgers tab for Rutgers Libraries licensed resources covering dental medicine.

Oral Cancer Images -- This collection of photos contain both cancerous and non-cancerous diseases of the oral environment which may be mistaken for malignancies. Some contain a brief patient history which may add insight to the actual diagnosis of the disease. As you review these images and their descriptions, you will be presented with what the referring doctor originally diagnosed and treated the patient for.

Oral Disease Picture Gallery -- These pictures are hosted on Hardin MD.

Oral Pathology Image Database -- The goal of this atlas is to show multiple examples of important lesions of the oral cavity. One should never diagnose a lesion simply by visually inspecting it. The patient history and physical examination are critically important.

Pictures of Dentistry and Dental Procedures -- Provides thousands of pictures in alphabetical order. The images are created for educational purposes by Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman, Director of The Center for Special Dentistry.



[Dog with a toothache] O. Elkan.