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Medical Images and Videos

An extensive guide to medical image and video databases licensed by Rutgers University Libraries as well as a variety of open-access medical image and video resources

Oncology Image/Video Resources

  • Before downloading images or video clips, you should always consult the website's copyright policy. Click on the Home button of this guide for information on citing images and videos.
  • Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences users: Please also check out the Image/Video Databases @ Rutgers tab for Rutgers Libraries licensed resources covering oncology.

Inside Cancer: Multimedia Guide to Cancer Biology -- Covers 4 parts: Hallmarks of Cancer; Causes and Prevention; Diagnosis and Treatment; Pathways to Cancer. Each part uses slides, illustrations, and animations, accompanied by audios. 

NCI Visuals Online -- National Cancer Institute's Visuals Online currently provides public access to 2,822 images. Each image or illustration included in the NCI Visuals Online Web site is labeled either "Public Domain" (free to use) or "Copyright Protected" (restricted, obtain permission before use).


Winslow, T. (2013). Lobectomy. National Cancer Institute, NCI Visuals Online