American Society of Hematology (ASH) Image Bank -- ASH Image Bank is a Web-based image library that offers a comprehensive, growing collection of images relating to a wide range of hematology topics for educational use. ASH members and the hematology community can use images that have been peer reviewed by ASH. Users may freely browse the Image Bank. To submit or download images members and nonmembers need to log in. ASH members simply log in with their user name and password. Nonmembers will need to create an account. Currently, the ASH Image Bank is available to nonmembers at no cost.
BloodLine Image Atlas -- The Image Atlas represents some twenty years of work by Jean Shafer, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Rochester School of Medicine, featuring more than 800 hematological slides depicting various blood disorders and malignancies. Searchable by keyword or category.
Maslak, P. & McKenzier S. (2002). Infectious Mononucleosis -1. ASH Image Bank 2011; 2011-1867