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Nursing Undergraduate Student Library Research Guide

Information to support undergraduate students as they become proficient users of library resources and services

What are scholarly articles? How will I know?

Scholarly vs. Popular Writing - What is the Difference?
And scroll down to third box below for visual cues (:  )

How to Identify Scholarly Journal Articles (Cornell University Libraries) 
Learn the characteristics of scholarly journal articles and how to find them--in less than 2 minutes.

The Information Cycle (Ray W. Howard Library at Shoreline Community College) (video 3.27 minutes)
How to use your knowledge of the information cycle to choose appropriate sources for your writing assignments.  This excellent short video is very much worth your time!

Evaluating Medical Information on the Web

MedlinePlus Guide to Health Web Surfing and
Portal to Health Information Evaluation Sources
 (National Library of Medicine)
Concise list of evaluation points with health related examples.

Includes an interactive tutorial from the National Library of Medicine, guides from the National Institutes of Health agencies, as well as guides to accurate health information on specific diseases.


Find Credible Health Information (Medical Library Association)
Authoritative advice from librarians who search for reliable web based information every day. Guide includes effective use of search engines, evaluation points for web sites and four annotated lists of important sites for consumer health, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Scholarly vs. Popular vs. Trade


Popular:  Inform and entertain the general public. Magazines like Time or Rolling Stone; or newspapers like the L.A. Times.  Written for a wide variety of readers.

Scholarly:  Disseminate research and academic discussion among professionals in a discipline.  Articles are written by researchers who are experts in their fields using the specialized terminology of the field.  Almost always include the institutional affiliation of the author and a list of references at the end of the article.  Usually peer reviewed.

Trade:  Allow practitioners in specific industries to share market and production information that improves their businesses.


Content on Scholarly Articles and Scholarly v. Popular courtesy of Naomi Gold.