To see a list of how to export citations into RefWorks from each of the database platforms, click here.
Several of our most important indexes are on the EBSCOhost platform, which facilitates direct downloads to RefWorks, switching from one database to another, and cross-database searching.
Academic Search Premier. 1990s--. [Rutgers Restricted Access]
Multidisciplinary, good coverage of US journals
Use subject terms index, add to search, then limit search with secondary headings
ATLA Religion Database. 1949--. [Rutgers Restricted Access]
Historical Abstracts. 1955--. [Rutgers Restricted Access]
Largest index in history, including cultural history
America:History and Life. 1964--, [Rutgers Restricted Access]
Humanities Full Text (Wilson). Abstracts 1984--. Full Text 1994--. [Rutgers Restricted Access]
MLA: Modern Language Association International Bibliography.1926- [Rutgers Restricted Access] Our most extensive index of journals of all countries in language and literature
For Direct Export:
1. Conduct a search.
2. Click on the Add to folder icon for each of the results you want to save.
3. Click on the Folder icon in the upper right-hand corner.
4. Re-select the references to export.
5. Click on the Export icon.
6. Click the radio button in front of Direct Export to RefWorks to initiate a direct export.
Note: Uncheck the Remove these items from folder after saving option, if you want items to remain in the folder after performing the export function.
7. Click the Save button to begin the direct export.
8. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.
Exporting Book Citations
Library Catalog: Mark records, View/Save/Print, Export to RefWorks
WorldCat [Rutgers Restricted Access]
Mark records, Export, Export to RefWorks. Be sure your browser's popup blocker is turned off.
[EBSCOHost Databases:]
Periodicals Index Online/Archive Online. 1665--. [Rutgers Restricted Access] Indexing of scholarly journals in many fields, languages, including 62 Jewish Studies journals
Mark citations for direct export to RefWorks.
RAMBI: The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies. 1966--, [Rutgers Restricted Access]
1. Select records in RAMBI
2. Click Save/Email
3. Select "EndNote/RefWorks" as your record format
4. Click Save/Email
5. Click Download
6. In the Save As window, change the file extension to ".txt" to save your file in text format
7. Login to RefWorks
8. Click References > Import
9. Select "RIS Format" as your data source
10. Select "Multiple Databases" as your database
11. Select the citation file you saved on your PC
12. Select "UTF-8" as your encoding
13. Click Import
Project MUSE. [Rutgers Restricted Access]
For Direct Export:
1. Select the references you want to export.
2. Click on the Saved Marked Results button.
3. Click Email/Export Saved Results.
4. Under Export marked results to: select Refworks.
5. Click the Export button.
6. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.
7. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.