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Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences

EBSCO Search

Description Content Features Access
Comprehensive database covering a variety of disciplines, including health sciences, education, social sciences, and more.

Journal Articles

Books and Book Chapters


Technical Reports 

Conference Proceedings

Search and Discovery - Advanced search with Boolean, proximity operators, and field-specific search. - Subject-specific databases allow for more targeted research (e.g., PsycINFO, CINAHL). - Full-text access to a wide range of sources, depending on subscriptions. 
Citation Analysis - Limited citation tracking and analysis available within specific databases. 
Research Tools and Integration - Compatible with citation management tools like EndNote, Zotero, and RefWorks. - Permalinks for easy sharing and integration with learning management systems. 
User Interface and Customization - Save searches, create alerts, and organize favorite articles in a personal folder. - Multilingual search options and interface available. 
Collaboration and Sharing - Options to save and share articles, create custom folders, and export citations. - Sharing tools for collaborative research or classroom use.

Institutional subscription required

Rutgers student/staff can access here


Searching on EBSCO

Step 1: Select a database(s) relevant to your field of study or research topic.