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Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences

Writing a Search Strategy Video

Common Database Syntax

    Description  Example
"..." Double quotation marks  Exact phrase searching  "trauma therapy"
AND Boolean operators Includes both terms "trauma" AND "therapy"
OR Boolean operators Includes either both (the one or the other) "trauma" OR "PTSD"
NOT Boolean operators Excluded term(s) "trauma" NOT "brain injury"
() Parenthesis  Allows complex queries to be layered  ("trauma" OR "PTSD") AND ("therapy" OR "psychosocial treatment")
MeSH Medical subject heading  A controlled vocabulary system used for indexing and searching articles in biomedical databases "trauma"[mesh] AND "foster care" [mesh]
ti: Title word Search term should be found specially within the title of the article ti:("trauma" OR "PTSD") AND ("therapy" OR "psychosocial treatment")
ab: Abstract word Search term should be found specially within the abstract of the article ab:("trauma" OR "PTSD") AND ("therapy" OR "psychosocial treatment")
tab Title and abstract word Search term should be found either within the title or abstract of the article tiab:("trauma" OR "PTSD") AND ("therapy" OR "psychosocial treatment")
* Truncation Adds more characters 


  • trauma
  • traumatic 
  • traumas
exp Explode  Search system includes all narrower terms that fall under that term in the controlled vocabulary hierarchy

exp trauma 

  • It will include all types of physical, emotional and psychological trauma
NEAR/n NEAR operator  Requires words are adjacent with n words in between regardless of the word order families NEAR/2 support
NEXT NEXT operator  Requires words are adjacent to each other in the order times in  care NEXT taking