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Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences


Content Features  Access
Life sciences and biomedical topics

Journal Articles

Books and Book Chapters


Technical Reports 

Conference Proceedings

Search and Discovery
- Advanced search capabilities (keywords, authors, MeSH terms)
- Boolean logic and filters for refined searches
- Abstracts and summaries for quick overview of research articles

Content Coverage
- Comprehensive database of biomedical literature (journals, books)
- Inclusion of MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books
- Free access to a vast repository of research articles

Research Tools and Integration
- Links to full-text articles through PubMed Central and publisher websites
- Citation management tools for exporting references
- Integration with other NCBI databases (e.g., Gene, Protein)

User Interface and Customization
- Personalization options (saved searches, email alerts)
- User-friendly interface with customizable search preferences

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MeSH search

Go to Pubmed MeSH database

Example: Enter your keyword

Result: Pubmed generates MeSH terms 

Pubmed Filters

You can use filters to narrow your search results by:

  1. Article type: clinical trial or review
  2. Text availability: full text, full free text or abstract 
  3. Publication date: add custom range 
  4. Species: human or animal studies
  5. Article language: filter articles based on language (eg: English, Spanish, Arabic etc.)
  6. Sex: restrict search based on sex for both animal and human studies 
  7. Age: retrieve articles based on the participants age
  8. Other: exclude preprints, MEDLINE subset etc.

How to access filters:Search for your article and select the filters on the left side of your screen