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Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences

APA PsycInfo Strategies

Description Content Features Access
Psychology and related disciplines

Journal Articles

Books and Book Chapters


Technical Reports 

Conference Proceedings

Search and Discovery
- Advanced search capabilities (keywords, authors, Boolean logic)
- Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms for improved search accuracy
- Refine and filter results (publication type, age group, methodology)
- Full-text linking through institutional subscriptions

Content Coverage
- Comprehensive indexing (journals, books, dissertations, technical reports)
- Historical and current content dating back to the 1800s
- Multidisciplinary coverage (psychiatry, sociology, education)

Research Tools and Integration
- Export references to citation management tools (EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero)
- Integration with APA style guidelines for citations
- Detailed information on psychological tests and measurement instruments

User Interface and Customization
- Personalization and alerts (saved searches, notifications)
- Visual data analysis tools (graphs, charts)
- Customizable search history and preferences

Collaboration and Sharing
- Sharing and collaboration tools (share results, bibliographies)
- Public and private lists for managing references

Institutional subscription required

Rutgers student/staff can access APA PsycInfo here

How to search on APA PsycInfo

Step 1: Log into APA PsycInfo 

Step 2: Go to Advanced Search

Step 3: Enter your search strategy (Refer our search strategy resources)

Step 4: Select limits and enter publication timeline