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International Youth Literature Collection

The International Youth Literature Collection is a representative collection of children’s and young adult books, both translated and in their original language, that celebrate writing, visual style and design from outside of this country.

Bologna Children's Book Fair

The Bologna Children's Book Fair is the world’s leading professional event dedicated to the children's publishing industry attracting over 1,400 exhibitors and  around 30,000 visitors from around 80 countries. Ordinarily held in April, in 2021 will be a virtual event held in June. 

Book a Hotel Room for Bologna Childrens Book Fair 2021 - Bologna

June 14-17, 2021

China Shanghai Children's Book Fair

China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair


Frankfurt Book Fair

The Frankfurt Book Fair, held in October is the world's largest trade fair. 


Guadalajara International Book Fair

The Guadalajara International Book Fair is the most important publishing gathering in Ibero-America. It is also an amazing cultural festival.

                                                                                                                        GUADALAJARA INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR-Mexico City-2019-General Review with  Complete Data

Paris Book Festival

The 2021 Paris Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual competition honoring the best of international publishing.


London Book Fair

The London Book Fair is a large book-publishing trade fair held annually, usually in April, in London, England and is a global marketplace for rights negotiation and the sale and distribution of content.