Displaying Results
The default display in New PubMed is Best Match, whereas in Legacy PubMed it was sorted by Most Recent as the default view. You may change the display anytime you want. You may also change the default display format from Summery to Abstract. Below is the screen capture to show where you can make the switches:
Browsing Results and Getting Fulltext Articles
You may browse the results in summary or abstract. By default, the first 10 references are displayed. You may click the blue Show more button to display more references on the page. Every time you click Show more, another 10 references are displayed. While you browse the references, you may select what you desire by clicking in the square box next to the references.
To find the fulltext article via Get it @ R, or PMID, PMCID, MeSH headings (if available), or the hyperlinked authors, you must display the references in Abstract format.
At the search results page, users can save All results on this page, or All results (Note: Only the first 10,000 citations will be saved in your file), or Selections in your file. The file can be saved in the follow format:
Users can email the research results to any email address. You can email All results on this page, or All results (Note: Only the first 200 citations will be sent in your email), or Selections.
When emailing, you may add a Subject line, body of the message, choose your selection and format, then conform that you are not a robot before you click the Send email button.
This Send to feature is very similar to what it was in the legacy PubMed. Using this feature, you may send your desired results to:
If you want to learn how to export references from New PubMed to EndNote, please visit this tutorial at https://libguides.rutgers.edu/endnotetutorials/import.
My NCBI is your personal account in NCBI databases including PubMed. It is a tool box in which several tools are available such as: My Bibliography (which is a tool to manage compliance with NIH Public Access Policy and can be used to create a biosketch); Saved Searches with your search strategy to run update searches; Collections which stores your previous search results, SciENcv that allows you to create a biosketch for NIH or NSF grant applications, etc. My NCBI keeps your user information and database preferences to provide customized services for many NCBI databases. When searching PubMed with signing into My NCBI, you will be able to keep your most recent search activities for six months; otherwise, after eight hours of inactivity, all your search history and preferences will be lost.
My NCBI is available to the public. Once created, you should log in at least once every two years to keep it active. If you account does not have any activity in two years, it will be deleted.
To learn more about My NCBI, please visit