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Entrepreneurship: New Ventures Research Guide

This guide supports José Torres' Fall 2021 course Entrepreneurship: New Ventures.

Researching your industry can help you perform a risk analysis because it allows you to see what threats the industry is facing. Look for SWOT analyses that are relevant to your business. 

If the tutorial does not load, view the video here: risk analysis tutorial

Library Online Resources

  • IBIS World: Rutgers-restricted database with industry reports for most industries. You can search by keyword or NAICS code
  • MarketLineRutgers-restricted database with industry reports for U.S. and global industries. In the search box drop-down menu, select Industry Reports and then search by keyword

Open Online Resources

These online resources are not restricted to Rutgers students and affiliates.

  • List of US Trade Associations (Wikipedia): There are trade associations for most, if not all, industries. These associations often have information suitable for industry analysis, but you will need to search and browse through the association's website to find relevant info. 
  • NAICS: Look up an industry's North American Industry Classification Scheme (NAICS) code. This code is helpful to research a specific industry in government resources and library databases.