Access World News - Full-text content of over 2,200 North American newspapers and more than 1,200 international newspapers. (NetID Restricted)
Chronicling America - Search across newspapers from 1860-1922 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. (Open Access)
Europeana Newspapers - Prototype newspaper browser for full-text access to 10 million European newspapers. (Open Access)
Factiva (Dow Jones) - Vast archive of newspapers, magazine articles, corporate financial reports and investment analyses. Publications from hundreds of countries, including Italy. See this guide for helpful hints on searching Factiva. (NetID Restricted)
Global Press Archive - Contains digitized historical news sources from around the world, including Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers (1870-2019).
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - Retrospective access to the Chicago Defender (1910-1975), the New York Times (1851- three years prior to the current year), the Wall Street Journal (1889-1995), and the Washington Post (1877-1993). (NetID Restricted)
Briganti, Alessandra. I periodici letterari dell’Ottocento: indice ragionato (collaboratori e testate). Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli, 1990.
De Longis, Rosanna. La stampa periodica delle donne in Italia: catalogo 1861-1985. Roma: Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Direzione generale delle informazioni della editoria e della proprietà letteraria artistica e scientifica, 1987.
Donati, Corrado. Pirandello nel linguaggio della scena: materiali bibliografici dai quotidiani italiani, 1962-1990. Bibliografia e storia della critica 9. Ravenna: Longo, 1993.
Rosengarten, Frank. The Italian Anti-Fascist Press (1919-1945); from the Legal Opposition Press to the Underground Newspapers of World War II. Cleveland: Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1968.
Tamburini, Luciano. La stampa periodica a Torino e a Genova dal 1861 al 1870. Torino: Biblioteca Civica, 1972.