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Italian Language and Literature

A guide to the study of Italian language and literatures from the Middle Ages to the present.

Finding Articles


JSTOR - Full text database containing back runs of 2,000 journals, excluding the most recent issues (3-5 years). Includes Italianistica, La Ricerca Folklorica, and Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale. (netID restricted)

MLA International Bibliography - The most important index for students of literature in any language. The best source for criticism, theory and other scholarly works. Articles may focus on a particular author (e.g. Italo Calvino), a work (e.g., Il castello dei destini incrociati) or a topic (e.g., tarot cards). (netID restricted)

Torrossa - Full-text access to chapters, conference proceedings and journal articles published by the École française de Rome. Subjects include Italian and Mediterranean history and archaeology from the prehistoric period to the present. (netID restricted)


Arts & Humanities Citation Index (via Web of Science) - Multidisciplinary index of 1,100 arts and humanities journals plus relevant items from 6,800 major science and social science journals. (netID restricted)

Film & Television Literature Index - Comprehensive bibliographic database covering all types of writing, such as trade publications, news media and scholarly articles, and including international publications. (netID restricted)

Historical Abstracts - Comprehensive bibliography of material on the history of the world from 1450 to the present. (netID restricted)

Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 - Citations to articles covering a wide-range of humanities disciplines appearing in English-language periodicals and magazines published between 1907 and 1984. (netID restricted)

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

International Medieval Bibliography - Most comprehensive index for medieval studies. The  Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale  is also accessible here. (netID restricted)

Iter Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance - Covers published materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). As of July 2009, the database includes indexing of articles from 1710 journals (some dating back to 1784), indexing of selected essays from 8650 collections, and citations to 108,000 monographs, and a total of 1,070,000 bibliographic records. Useful for Italian authors of the Renaissance writing in Latin or the vernacular. (netID restricted)


Academic Search Premier - Multi-disciplinary database containing a large collection of peer-reviewed full-text journals in a broad range of academic disciplines. (netID restricted)

Project Muse - Full-text access to over 300 journals in the arts and humanities. (netID restricted)

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - Includes records for foreign dissertations beginning in the year 1637 and U.S. dissertations beginning with the first one, accepted in 1861. (netID restricted)

Google Scholar - Use to search for scholarly books and articles.  Access it through the Rutgers University Libraries website so you are connected to the full text of items in the libraries' collections.

Periodical Indexes

Indexes and Guides to Western European Periodicals
Maintained by the European Studies Section of ACRL that lists print and electronic indexes to European periodicals from the 17th to the mid-20th century. (Open Access)

Database that indexes international periodicals in the field of Italian studies. Coverage begins with articles published in 2000. Records include abstracts. (Open Access)
