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Covidence for Systematic Reviews

Covidence is a web-based systematic review tool that streamlines the process of conducting systematic reviews including title/abstract screening, full text review, data extraction, and quality assessment. This guide contains instructional information on h

Screening References at the Title and Abstract Level

Once your references are imported into Covidence, you can start screening at the title and abstract level:

  • Click 'Continue' under title and abstract screening, from your Review Summary page.
  • Make your decision by voting on the YesMaybe or No buttons for each reference.

By default, each review in Covidence is set up for screening by two reviewers. This means that each reference requires two votes in order to move forward in your review process.

The decisions must be made by two screeners, independently and blindly to avoid biases. For more information on title and abstract screening, please visit

Watch the following video to learn how to screen at the title and abstract level: