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Covidence for Systematic Reviews

Covidence is a web-based systematic review tool that streamlines the process of conducting systematic reviews including title/abstract screening, full text review, data extraction, and quality assessment. This guide contains instructional information on h

How to Access Covidence?

How to Access Covidence?

Covidence is accessible to Rutgers University affiliates. It requires a personal account. More information about accessing Covidence is available at

  • If you are a new user and have a NetID, click Connect to Database, choose “Sign in with SSO,” and sign in with NetID to create a new Covidence account.

Sign in to CovidenceCreate a new account

  • If you a new user without NetIDs (such as preceptors), choose "Don't Have an Account? Sign Up," and create a new Covidence account using your email.

Then request an invitation to join Rutgers' account, being sure to enter your email address.

  • If you are a Rutgers affiliate and already have a Covidence account that isn’t affiliated with Rutgers:

Log into your existing Covidence account and change your primary email address to the exact format Then log out.

Select the Connect to Database link, choose “Sign in with SSO,” and sign in with NetID. Covidence will link your existing account to your NetID, and you will sign in with NetID going forward.

You will be able to see all your reviews in your account, and new reviews you create will be associated with Rutgers, but your old reviews won’t be associated with Rutgers. Please email if you would like to move them to Rutgers’ account.

When you have more than one account, you need to choose your desired account. Your Rutgers account will allow you to create unlimited reviews.

Choose an account when having multiple accounts.