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Covidence for Systematic Reviews

Covidence is a web-based systematic review tool that streamlines the process of conducting systematic reviews including title/abstract screening, full text review, data extraction, and quality assessment. This guide contains instructional information on h

Importing References into Covidence

To import references into Covidence,

  • On the Review Summary page, click the Import Studies tool.
  • Select the file and the category (i.e. the stage or step of the review process) that the references will appear in.
  •  Covidence currently supports three formats for file imports:
  • EndNote XML
  • PubMed format
  • RIS text format

You can import files up to 50 MB in size, and each file up to 15,000 references. Larger files may take longer to upload and process. You can import one file at a time, and there is no limit to the # of files to be imported.

Duplicate references will be removed automatically when imported, which are recorded on the PRISMA chart as well. More information is available at

Watch the following video created by Covidence to learn how to import references from various sources: