See the Libraries' list of databases under Current Events and Newspapers for a comprehensive list of newspaper sources.
Access World News - Full-text access to many international news sources. (netID restricted)
Chronicling America - Search across newspapers from 1860-1922 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. (Open Access)
Europeana Newspapers - Prototype newspaper browser for full-text access to 10 million European newspapers. (Open Access)
Factiva (Dow Jones) - Vast archive of newspapers, magazine articles, corporate financial reports and investment analyses. Publications from hundreds countries. See this guide for helpful hints on searching Factiva. (netID restricted)
Global Press Archive - Contains digitized historical news sources from around the world, including Imperial Russian Newspapers (1782-1917); Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers (1807-1929); Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers (1911-1949); Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers (1870-2019).
Latin American Newspapers - This collection contains scanned images of historical newspapers from North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - Retrospective access to the Chicago Defender (1910-1975), the New York Times (1851- three years prior to the current year), the Wall Street Journal (1889-1995), and the Washington Post (1877-1993). (netID restricted)