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Physical Therapy

Information resources for Physical Therapy students and faculty

Patient assisted by two physical therapistsPatient using cable machine with assistance

This guide is intended as a starting point to help you find both print and online resources on physical therapy located in the Rutgers George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences.

For research help, please do not hesitate to email Stephen Modica at


Magazines and Newsletters

Below is a list of magazines and newsletters run by physical therapy organizations. Although not peer reviewed, they are excellent resources for current news and trending topics in physical therapy. 


EndNote is a program that helps users quickly collect and organize references from online sources (or elsewhere), create a searchable personal database, find and cite these references while writing, create bibliographies formatted in their style of choice, and manage PDF files. The Libraries are licensed to provide access to EndNote for students, faculty, and staff of all Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) schools and units.

An EndNote LibGuide is also available to assist you in learning this useful piece of software.

This provides link to short Youtube videos, tutorials and users manuals. The Smith Library also offers workshops on using EndNote. You can register for a class by clicking HERE.

If you are a distance learner and are having difficulty downloading EndNote, please contact 972-972-9551 or 973-972-4358 in Newark, 732-235-7604 in New Brunswick for further instructions.


Medical Librarian

Profile Photo
Stephen Modica
He/ Him
Subjects: Physical Therapy