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Grant Writing (01:355:315)

Population: information about the people who will benefit from your proposal

  • Statistical Abstract of the United States Abstracts information from US Census data, generally on a national level.
  • Explore Census Data, a source for population, housing, economic and geographic data based on the US Census reports and updates.
  • Social Explorer using an interactive mapping tool, provides access to several major sources of demographic data: the U.S. Decennial Census of population and housing, the American Community Survey, and data on religion from InfoGroup and the Religious Congregations and Membership Study.
  • Office of Institutional Research and Academic Planning (Rutgers)  offers institutional characteristics, reports and surveys conducted at or about Rutgers. The Fact Book can be particularly helpful.
  • NJ School Performance Reports (NJ Education Department)
    Designed to inform parents, educators and communities about how well a school is performing and preparing its students for college and careers.

Census Data

The US Census is conducted every 10 years and attempts to count every person living in the United States. Other information is collected as well, using either a short or long questionnaire.

Data from the most recent decennial census, 2020.