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Master of Business & Science Capstone (22:799:648) (16:137:600)

This guide contains recommended resources for doing research in the MBS Capstone course.

Additional Resources

The following list contains additional resources that may be helpful in your writing process:

  • Business Plans - LibGuide listing online resources with information on the Introduction and Marketing Plan sections of a Business Plan.
  • LinkedIn Learning - Video tutorials and training resources about business, technology and creative skills.
  • Rutgers Graduate Writing Program - supports graduate students from across the Rutgers community in their scholarly writing goals.
  • LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively - YouTube video by Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program which communicates helpful rules, skills, and resources that are available to graduate students interested in further developing their writing style.

Sample Plans

A variety of business plans and marketing plans are available on the Internet. Here are some sites to visit:

The Credit Process

Pricing Strategy

It is important to develop a pricing strategy for your product or service to determine your competitive position within the market. The following resources can help with your research: 


Refer to the page on Microfinance for sources of information and links to crowdfunding sites. 

Also, Crowdfunding for non-profits is a brief but useful guide for not-for-profit organizations. 

Try a Simulation

CleanStart: Simulating a Clean Energy Startup

In this live, web-based simulation, participants play the role of the founder of a new startup company in the exciting and competitive clean tech sector. Experience the challenges of building a startup company in a demanding competitive environment, including financial, human resource, strategic and other decisions. Can you develop your technology into a successful company?


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