The following list contains additional resources that may be helpful in your writing process:
A variety of business plans and marketing plans are available on the Internet. Here are some sites to visit:
You might consider this business loan checklist to Gather the Info You'll Need from the Small Business Administration and this link to SBA Funding Programs.
And here's a few articles on business funding/financing:
It is important to develop a pricing strategy for your product or service to determine your competitive position within the market. The following resources can help with your research:
FirstHand (formerly Vault Career Intelligence)
For Supply Chain pricing try:
Refer to the page on Microfinance for sources of information and links to crowdfunding sites.
Also, Crowdfunding for non-profits is a brief but useful guide for not-for-profit organizations.
In this live, web-based simulation, participants play the role of the founder of a new startup company in the exciting and competitive clean tech sector. Experience the challenges of building a startup company in a demanding competitive environment, including financial, human resource, strategic and other decisions. Can you develop your technology into a successful company?
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