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Media History: The U.S. Media

Finding Films

Want to know if the Rutgers Libraries own a particular film?

In most cases, feature films to which Rutgers users currently have access will be found in QuickSearch
To search for a specific title,
  • Select "Advanced Search" (to the right of the basic search box).
  • Use the pull-down menu to change the first "Any Field" to "Title"
  • Use the pull-down menu to change the first "Contains" to "Exact"
  • Enter your title
  • Use the pull-down menu to change the "Resource Type" to "Video/Film"

Streaming Video Collections

Swank Digital Campus
Access to course-assigned feature films. Because this service is maintained to support classroom instruction, the films available through Swank will vary from semester to semester.
A broad selection of streaming documentaries, independent and foreign films, classics, and feature films.

Radio, Television, and Film

Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text
Includes Variety film reviews from 1914 to the present as well as more than 36,000 images from the MPTV Image Archive.   Rutgers-restricted Access
TV-NewsSearch: The Vanderbilt Television News Archive
Index to material in the collection of the Vanderbilt Television News Archive; includes access through Online Streaming Video to thousands of hours of NBC and CNN news broadcasts, as well as abstracts to nightly news programs broadcast by the other national television networks.  Rutgers-restricted Access
American History in Video
Digitized documentaries, newsreel films, and archival footage.   Rutgers-restricted Access

Finding Early Film Reviews

Film Review Index. 2 vols
Patricia King Hanson & Stephen L. Hanson, editors. Phoenix, Ariz., Oryx Press, 1986-
One of the best sources for finding early film reviews, the Film Review Index cites reviews to over 7000 feature films released between 1914 and 1985. Vol. 1: 1882-1949; Vol. 2: 1950-1985. In addition to popular magazines, the index also lists reviews in trade publications, newspapers, anthologies, and selected books.
Dana Call Number: Ref. PN1995 .F513 1986
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature Retrospective. 1900- .
Index to the major general interest and popular periodicals from the late 19th century to 1982. An excellent source for finding film reviews.

Image Libraries

Over 2 million images with citations in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. Rutgers-restricted Access
New York Public Library Digital Gallery
Over 750,000 images digitized from NYPL collections.
Digital Schomburg: Images of African Americans from the 19th Century
Search or browse a rich collection of images taken from the collections of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at the New York Public Library.

You can also use Google Image Search to look for images of particular people or subjects.