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Media History: The U.S. Media

Biographical Resources

Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd edition. Detroit, Gale, 2004. 23 volumes.
Articles with bibliographies on notable individuals from all parts of the world and all time periods. Rutgers-restricted Access
Supplements: Vol. 25; Vol. 26; Vol. 27.
Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Thematic Series: The 1960s
William L. O'Neill and Kenneth T. Jackson, eds. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003. 2 vols. Rutgers-restricted Access

Need More?

Looking for a full-length biography of someone? Go to The Catalog (QuickSearch), and select "Advanced Search." Use the pull-down menu to change "Any Field" to "Subject." Then enter the name of the person in which you are interested. For example:

william randolph hearst

If you're looking for works for which that person is responsible for most of the content (an autobiography; photographs; news reports; etc.) search as above, but now change "Any Field" to "Author". For example:

william randolph hearst