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History of U.S.-Muslim Relations

Public Opinion

A compilation of over 500,000 questions from public opinion polls from 1935 to the present. Limited to polls of the U.S. population at the national level. Restricted Access

Polling the Nations
"A compilation of the full-text of the questions and responses from over 14,000 national, state and local surveys conducted since 1986 by some 700 polling organizations in the United States and eighty other countries." Restricted Access

Pew Research Center Survey Reports
Formerly the Times Mirror Center for People and the Press, the Pew Research Center studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. Reports back to 1987 available.

How Others See Us

The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other
A 13-nation Pew Global Attitudes Survey. June 22, 2006.
Global Perspectives on the United States: A Nation by Nation Survey
David Levinson and Karen Christensen, editors.Great Barrington, Berkshire Pub Group, 2007. 3 vols.
140 articles arranged by country or region of the world, on views concerning the United States, its government, people, politics, and culture. Available?
The Decline in America's Reputation: Why?
United States Congress. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Right"s, and Oversight. Washington DC, June 11, 2008.
Subcommittee report based on a series of 10 hearings.
Arab Occidentalism: Images of America in the Middle East
Eid Mohamed. London, I.B. Tauris, 2015. Rutgers-restricted Access