The Rutgers subscription to IBISWorld provides access to two collections of reports: Industry Reports and Procurement Reports.
The Industry Reports cover over 700 industries in the United States as categorized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), as well as 600 specialized industry reports, 75 global industry reports, and 200 reports on industry sectors in China. These research reports contain trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent production performance and 5 year forecasts. Each comprehensive study also examines details such as; the barriers to entry, operating cost structure, technology & systems, and domestic & international markets. Tables and statistics include financial ratios and industry averages from the Risk Management Association.
The second collection of Procurement Reports covers 1,000 commercial and industrial products and services. These reports discuss price drivers and pricing trends, total cost of ownership, supply market characteristics, supply chain risks, market share concentration, developing a request for proposal (RFP), "buyer power" versus "supplier power," and the buying-decision process.(Rutgers-restricted access)
Investext (Now a part of Mergent Online) is a collection of some industry (but mostly company) reports from analysts at over 400 investment banks, brokerage firms, and independent research organizations. This collection provides access to the two most current reports on 125 industries represented by publicly-traded companies. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
Hundreds of industry sectors for major countries around the world are covered by MarketLine (formerly Datamonitor 360) (Rutgers-restricted access)
Hundreds of consumer product and service categories are covered by Mintel Reports (Rutgers-restricted access)
The quarterly Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys (CAMDEN, CARR REF HC 106.6 .S74; DANA Reference Desk) are useful for basic statistics (production, shipment, sales, revenues) for large industry groups but not for all products.
The monthly Standard & Poor's Statistical Service (DANA Business Reference; CARR Reference Desk) provides selected current and historical statistics on 12 industries.
Mergent Online has brief reports on 39 major industry sectors for four primary regions of the world. (Rutgers-restricted access)
More industry sectors are covered by Value Line and Value Line Historical Reports (Rutgers-restricted access) (previously available in print: Value Line Investment Survey (CAMDEN REF HG 4501 .V2; DANA, CARR Reference Desk)) but the overviews are shorter.
Start with the Business Help Site from the US Census Bureau for access to many different data sets. You will need to know the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code for your industry.
The Economic Census, conducted every five years, covers retail trade, wholesale trade, service industries, construction industries, manufactures, mineral industries, transportation, communications, utilities, and financial, insurance, and real estate industries.
For convenient visualizations of industry data, try the Industry portion of DataUSA.
The Internal Revenue Service has a small series of industry-based Audit Techniques Guides .
Over 100 industries are covered in the Industries at a Glance series of reports on employment, earnings, and workplace trends, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
A small handful of industry, commodity, or service sectors are included among the Commission Publications from the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Discover industry-specific trade data and analysis for many major sectors is available from the Research page of the International Trade Administration, including Automotive Industries, Consumer Goods, and Travel and Tourism.
The number of establishments with employees in each industry may be found in County Business Patterns from the Census Bureau. Data is also available for Metro areas and by ZIP code.
Nonemployer Statistics (from the Internal Revenue Service and the Census Bureau) provide information on businesses without paid employees.