The AICPA Audit and Accounting Manual explains practices, techniques, and procedures. (DANA, CARR REF HF 5667 .A4B)
Accountants' Handbook, by Carmichael, Lilien, and Mellman. Vol. 1: Financial Accounting and General Topics; Vol. 2: Specialized Industries and Special Topics. (DANA, CARR REF HF 5621 .A22)
Accounting, Business Studies and Economics Dictionary
Accounting Dictionary (AccountingTools)
Accounting Terminology Guide (New York State Society of CPAs)
Accounting Trends & Techniques is an annual survey of accounting practices from the AICPA. (DANA, CARR REF HF 5681 .B2 A35)
Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Accounting, edited by Rashad Abdel-khalik. Definitions of terms and concepts accompanied by short bibliographies. (DANA, CARR REF HF 5621 .B54)
Dictionary of Accounting Terms (AccountingCoach)
Glossary of Accounting Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations (AICPA)
Management Accounting Glossary from the Institute of Management Accountants. (DANA REF HF 5657.4.M33)