, the U.S. government's official web portal for the public to access government information and services on the web. It organizes its searchable content/pages by topics, departments and agencies, etc.
FDsys, formerly GPO Access, provides free electronic access to the official government publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. The database offers advanced search, browse by collection and agency, and download in multiple file formats.
MetaLib, a federated search engine by GPO, that simultaneously searches across multiple U.S. Federal government databases, retrieves reports, articles, and citations with direct links to selected resources available online.
RUL's Government Publications page lists the Rutgers restricted indexes and databases for government information, which are accessible off-campus after log-in with Rutgers NetID.
Federal Government Publications
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) by GPO, for materials published from 1976 to the present. The database contains information about publications of all types issued by the federal agencies, including monographs, periodicals, bulletins, reports, congressional documents, etc. It also provides links to full-text of many publications.
Rutgers University Library Catalog contains most of the federal government publications received after 2002. The catalog record of the publication shows its availability and location in the library and contains the online link to its full-text if available.
Monthly catalog of United States Government Publications (MOCAT) can be used to find bibligraphic records for federal documents published by the federal government agencies from 1895 to 1975.
New Jersey State Publications
Search the Library Catalog for the New Jersey state documents the Dana Library has received since 1984, all of which are cataloged using the Library of Congress Classification System, and can be searched by title, subject, author/agency name, and call number. For documents published before 1984, use the card catalog located in the reference area. More online resources are available in the RUL Research Guide: New Jersey State and Local Governments.
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