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Government Publications at Dana Library

About the government depository collection and library services at the Dana Library.

Federal Government Publications

The print depository publications from the federal government are shelved on GOV DOCS stacks 3-24, and arranged by the Superintendent of Documents Classification System (SuDocs). The collection stacks are clearly labeled. Please ask for assistance at the reference desk in verifying the number and locating the item.

Government Reference Publications

The current publications of some frequently requested titles are kept at the reference desk, including the Statistical Abstract of the United States, Occupational Outlook Handbook, North American Industry Classification System, etc. They are for in-house use with a valid ID. 

Some documents reference items, including the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, Vital Statistics of the United States, and Government Reports Announcements and Index are on GOV DOCS stacks 1-2.

U.S. Census Publications

All the census publications are available in the census section (GOV DOCS stacks 25-31) marked as the U.S. Census in the reference area. They are arranged alphabetically by the name of the census, e.g., Agriculture, Construction, Population and Housing, Retail Trade, etc. The current issues of some heavily used titles are kept at the reference desk.

Government Periodicals

Many of government periodicals are integrated with the library’s general journal collection on the lower level, all of which are cataloged and arranged by title.

Government Publications in Microfiche, CD-ROM & DVD

Many federal documents are published in microfiche format. These documents are arranged by the SuDocs system, kept in the microfiche cabinets marked as U.S. Government Publications microfiche and located near the GOV DOCS stacks in the reference area.

All government CD-ROMs and DVDs are kept in the government CD-ROM cabinets in the reference area.

Government Maps

The U.S. Geological Survey topographical maps (I 19.81: and I 19.81/2:) are kept alphabetically by the state name in Map Case 1-3. Other categories of USGS maps can be found in Map File Cabinet 1-3. CIA maps and atlases (PREX 3.10/4:A-Z) are kept in Map File Cabinet 4. Both map cases and map file cabinets are located near the GOV DOCS stacks in the reference area.

New Jersey State Publications

The New Jersey state documents are shelved on GOV DOCS stacks 32-33, marked as NJ Documents. They are arranged by the Library of Congress classification system. The call numbers assigned look the same as those assigned to the other cataloged books in the library, except being prefixed with DOC NJ, e.g., DOC NJ LC 4031 .N5.

New Government Publications Display

The most recently received government publications are displayed in the Library Lobby. The display is updated every two weeks. The publications on display can be checked out.


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