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Medieval Studies

Includes medieval topics in all Arts and Humanities disciplines.

Online Source Collections

Global Medieval Sourcebook

Translated Texts for Historians E-Library [Rutgers Restricted]

Major historic texts dating from from 300 to 800 A.D. translated into English.

Digital Scriptorium is an online collection of manuscripts described and scanned at selected libraries, including 60 at Rutgers (see partial description in the Medieval Manuscripts at Rutgers tab).

Penn in Hand includes a more complete collection of Penn's 900+ medieval manuscripts, with more online facsimiles.

ARTFL: American Research on the Treasury of the French Language [Rutgers Restricted]

Patrologia Latina [Rutgers Restricted] - early Latin texts in religion to the early 13th century

Patrologiæ Græcæ [Rutgers Restricted] - early Greek texts in religion with facing Latin translations

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae- TLG [Rutgers Restricted] 

Corpus de la Littérature Médiévale [Rutgers Restricted]

Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse [Rutgers Restricted]

Medieval and Early Modern Databank (MEMDB)

Internet Medieval Sourcebook

PBW: Prosopography of the Byzantine World
Biographical entries in English, compiled from contemporary sources.

Carolingian Digital Library

The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504 [Rutgers Restricted]

Regesta Imperii - An inventory of the charters and historical sources of Holy Roman Emperors and Popes from Charlemagne to Maximilian I

The Anglo-American Legal Tradition: Documents from Medieval and Early Modern England from the National Archives in London

Parker Library on the Web - Digitized manuscrupts from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Medieval Family Life - [Rutgers Restricted] Full text & image database of primary sources from late medieval England

Medieval Travel Writing- [Rutgers Restricted] Full text & image database of primary sources from the writings of travellers in the Middle Ages

Carolingian Culture at Reichenau & St. Gall - This website presents digital versions othe Plan of St. Gall. and the extensive ninth-century library collections of the two monasteries, St. Gall and Reichenau, identifiable by their distinctive script.