Collection Byzantine.
Paris : Société d'édition "Les Belles lettres", 1937-.
Alex Stacks [various call numbers; search as Series title in IRIS under Advanced search]
Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae.
Alex Stacks [various call numbers; search as Series title in IRIS under Advanced search]
Mansi, J.D. (ed.) Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. 31 vols.
Florence and Venice, 1759-1798. Reprint.
Alex Stacks BX825.A52 FOLIO
The standard collection of conciliar documents through 1509.
Acta sanctorum
Antwerp, Venice, Paris and Brussels, 1643-1940; reprint ed., Brussels: Culture et Civilisation, 1965- . 67 vols.
Alex Folio BX4654.A22
Monumental collection of editions of saints' vitae (usually cited as AA SS) undertaken over several centuries by the Jesuits of the Society of Bollandists.
Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca
Turnhout: Brepols, 1977- (with gaps; search as Series title in IRIS under Advanced search)
Alex Stacks BR60.A6
Corpus scriptorium Christianorum Orientalium.
Louvain: Peeters, 1903- .
Alex Stacks B60.C5
Corpus scriptorium ecclesiasticorum latinorum.
Vienna: Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1866- .
Alex Stacks BR60.C6 (with possible gaps).
Corpus Christianorum Series Latina
Turnhout: Brepols, 1954- .
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, Sage Library Stacks BR60.C49; some older volumes at ME35 C81 (Pettee classification).
Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis
Turnhout: Brepols, 1966- .
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, Sage Stacks ME35 C81M (older volumes) BR60.C489.
Both series of Corpus Christianorum are available in full-text electronic version in the Cetedoc Library of Latin Texts Online (CLCT) on the computer workstations at Sage.
Sources Chrétiennes
Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1942-.
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, Sage stacks BR60.S68; some older volumes at ME31 So8 (Pettee classification)
These are ongoing collections of critical texts.
Corpus iuris canonici. Ed. lipsiensis 2.
Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1959. 2v.
Dana Stacks K.C3634C v.1-2 and online: v1, v2
Sources d'histoire médiévale.
Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1965-.
Alex Stacks [various call numbers; search by Series Title in IRIS Advanced search]
Monumenta Germaniae historica (cited as MGH), a massive ongoing collection of sources for the history of Germany (broadly construed) from late antiquity to 1500. It comprises several major series, most of which include several subseries. The major series are:
SCRIPTORES (narrative sources).
LEGES (legal sources)
EPISTOLAE (letter collections)
DIPLOMATA (charters and other documents)
ANTIQUITATES (poetry and necrology)
DEUTSCHES MITTELALTER (texts for teaching)
In addition to these collections of primary sources, the MGH also includes series of historical studies, including: SCHRIFTEN DER MGH; MITTEILUNGEN DER WIENER DIPLOMATA-ABTEILUNG DER MGH; MGH HIFLSMITTEL; and several periodicals. A complete list of MGH titles by series and sub-series and much of the content are freely available online. Rutgers holdings are extensive.
Alex Stacks [various call numbers; search by Series Title in IRIS Advanced search]
Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores (Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages), also known as the Rolls Series. 99 works in 253 volumes.
London, 1858-1896, 1911.
Alex Stacks DA25.B5
Early English Text Society Original Series
Oxford, 1865 - .
Alex Stacks PR13.E12
Massive ongoing collection of medieval English texts.
The Parliament rolls of medieval England 1275-1504 / general editor Chris Given-Wilson.
Woodbridge : Boydell Press; London : National Archives, 2005.
Alex Stacks JN515.P37 2005
Fonti per la storia d'Italia pubblicate dall'Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo.
Roma : Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, 1887-.
Alex Stacks [various call numbers; search by Series Title in IRIS Advanced search]
Rutgers holds or has ordered more than half the volumes in this large set.
Muratori, L.A. (ed. ) Rerum italicarum scriptores.
Milan, 1723-38, 1751.
Alex Stacks DG403.M85 FOLIO
This is the standard collection of sources for medieval Italian history.
Textos medievales.
Valencia : Anubar, 1966-
Alex Stacks [various call numbers; search by Series Title in Quicksearch Advanced search]
Concordances and texts of the fourteenth-century Aragonese manuscripts of Juan Fernández de Heredia. Madison Wis. : Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, c1982. 106 microfiches. Annex Microforms
Cronica de los conqueridores I (8 fiches) -- Cronica de los conqueridores II (12 fiches) -- Grant cronica de Espanya I (17 fiches) -- Grant cronica de Espanya III (9 fiches) -- Libro de actoridades (6 fiches) -- Cronica de Morea (48 fiches) -- Cronica troyana (3 fiches) -- Eutropius (5 fiches) -- Flor de las Oystorias de Orient (2 fiches) -- Libró de Marco Polo (2 fiches) -- Secreto secretorum (3 fiches) -- Thucydides (2 fiches) -- Cronica de los emperadores (5 fiches) -- Orosisus (7 fiches) -- Plutarch I (5 fiches) -- Plutarch II (6 fiches) -- Plutarch III (4 fiches) -- Cummulative summary vocabularies I (9 fiches) -- Cummulative summary vocabularies II (2 fiches) -- Cummulative summary vocabularies III (2 fiches).
Medieval and renaissance manuscripts from the Society of Antiquaries of London Reading, Eng. : Research Publications, c1989. 11 microfilm reels; 35 mm. + 2 guides.
Annex Microforms 2770 reel 1-11; Alex Reference Z6621.S62M43 1989 guide pt.1-2.
Includes 57 medieval and renaissance texts held by the Society of Antiquaries of London. These consist of works pertaining to literature, art history, and history, and include a copy of Piers Plowman, the 12th century Winton Domesday, and numerous Books of Hours. Each item is listed in the guide, which is shelved in Alex Reference.
The Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of St. John's College, Oxford.
Manuscripts dating from the 10th century to the 18th centuryIncludes all pre-1700 manuscripts in the Library.
Annex Microforms 2922, 75 microfilm reels. Guide in Alex Reference Z6621.S2S34 1995
Chronicles and documents of medieval England [microform] : c.1150-c.1500 from Cambridge University Library
Sussex, Eng. : Harvester Press Microform Publications, 1986. 2 pts. on 39 microfilm reels; 35 mm. + 1 guide (1 v. ((unnumbered)); 28 cm.).
Annex Microforms 2810 reel 1-39; Alex Reference DA170.C47 1986 guide.
Chronicles and other historical documents of medieval England held by the Cambridge University Library, including numerous monastic documents and several versions of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of Britain. The guide identifies the items on each film only by their reference numbers. Title and authorship of the works can be found in guides contained on reels 1 and 19.
Treaty rolls, September 1434 to August 1447 / Great Britain. Public Record Office.
London : Public Record Office, 1984.
Annex Microforms 2427
Treaty rolls for Henry VI's reign from 1434 to 1447. Although there is no specific guide to this collection, the documents are from the chancery treaty rolls held by the Public Record Office in London. The PRO numbers for these items are C 76/117 through C 76/130, and each image in the collection includes the specific piece number of the document.
Scientific & medical medieval manuscripts from the Yale Medical Historical Library
Guilford, Conn. : OPUS Publications, [198-?]. 8 reels : ill. : 35 mm. + 1 guide (11 p. : 28 cm.).
Annex Microforms 2811 reel 1-8; Alex Reference R128.M43 1980 pt.1
Scientific and medical medieval manuscripts from the Yale Medical Library. Many of these texts originated in Southern Europe, and most were translated into Latin from Greek or Arabic. The printed guide lists the title, author, and a brief description of each item.
Property and privilege in medieval and early modern England and Wales: cartularies and other registers
Reading: Research Publications, 1990-. v.; 21 cm.
Annex Microforms 2838 ser.1, pt.1, reel 1-70; Guide Alex Reference Z2029.P76 1990.
Cartularies held in the British Library, which accounts for about half of all the cartularies to be found in public ownership. The guide lists the contents of each reel by manuscript reference number and the geographic area to which the document relates. A more extensive discussion of these documents is provided in Index to the Charters and Rolls in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum.
Church authority and power in medieval and early modern Britain [microform] : the Episcopal Registers, 1215-1650
Brighton: Research Publications International, the Information Solutions Co., 1983. v; 28 cm.
Annex Microforms 2893 pt.1, reel 1-pt. 8, reel 8; Alex Reference CD1068.A2C498 1983 guide.
English episcopal registers for the years 1215-1650, providing the basic records of church activities: visitations, inquisitions, division of tithes, administration of the clergy's estates, royal and papal decrees, activity of Church courts. The guide lists the contents of the collection by manuscript reference number and author.
Medieval literary and historical manuscripts in the Cotton Collection: British Library, London / British Library Dept. of Manuscripts.
Brighton: Harvester Microform, [198_]. 123 Microfilm reels; 35 mm.
Annex Microforms 2636 reel 1-123, and sever-piece guide, also online.
Some of England's most treasured literary and historical texts, including Beowulf, The Lindisfarne Gospels, and Bede's Ecclesiastical History. A catalog of the collection's contents is provided on the first reel of film, and each item is identified by its reference number and author.
Ancient correspondence, 1175-1538: PRO class SC 1
Brighton: Harvester Microform; Wilmington, Del. : Scholarly Resources Inc., 1985. 26 reels; 35 mm. + 2 reel guides.
Annex Microforms 2892 reel 1, pt.1-reel 26, pt. 2
Spanning the reigns of King John to King Henry VII, the collection includes the correspondence of kings, bishops, Popes, noblemen, royal servants, and Lord Chancellors. Each piece includes the PRO reference number and a detailed description of the collection's contents can be found in List of Ancient Correspondence of the Chancery and Exchequer Preserved in the Public Record Office.
Anglo-Saxon manuscripts in microfiche facsimile
Binghamton: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1994-. microfiches : ill. + guides (v.; 22 cm.).
Annex Microforms 450; Alex Microforms and Reference DA150.A64 1994 guide to v.1-12, 13, 15-16
Large set of manuscripts, with detailed descriptions of each in the guides.
Registers of the Archbishops of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace. 13th-17th Century
London: World Microfilms. 20 reels.
Annex Microforms 1736-1755
This collection provides facsimiles of documents issued by or directly concerning the Archbishops in their capacities as ordinary, metropolitan, and until the Reformation, papal legates. In addition the collection includes the 13th century cartulary of the archbishopric, which covers the years 615-1290.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, 1225-1327 and 1467-1509.
Burlington, Ontario: TannerRitchie. 18 CD-ROMs.
Alex DA24 StacksCom [housed at the Circulation Desk]