Anglo-Norman dictionary / Modern Humanities Research Association in conjunction with the Anglo-Norman Text Society; under the general editorship of Louise W. Stone and William Rothwell.
London : Modern Humanities Research Association, 1977-1992.
Alex Reference PC2946.M6 v.1-7
Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française (IXe - Xve Siècle) de Frédéric Godefroy [Rutgers Restricted].
Full-text electronic version of Le Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française et de tous ses Dialectes du IX au XV Siècle, published between 1880 and 1902, an essential reference for medieval French language and lexicography.
Dana Reference PC2889.G6 1880a v.1-10
Old French-English dictionary / Alan Hindley, Frederick W. Langley, Brian J. Levy. Cambridge, U.K.; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2000. xv, 621 p.
Alex Reference PC2891.H56 2000
Vocabulaire de la musique médiévale / Gérard Le Vot.
[France?] : Minerve, c1993. 222 p.
Music Reference ML100.L48 1993
Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch bis zum ausgehenden 13. Jahrhundert / O. Prinz, J. Schneider, et al.
München : Beck, 1959- .
Alex Stacks PA2889.M5 Bd. 1-3
A serial publication, this dictionary provides translations in German of terms common in Germany, Austria and Switzerland up to 1280. As of volume three the series covers A-E.
Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz; oder Wörterbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache... etymologisch und grammatisch bearb. von E.G. Graff.
Berlin, Beim Verfasser und in Commission der Nikolaischen Buchhandlung, 1834-1842. 6 v. [also freely available online in Google Books]
Annex, Douglass Reference PF3975.G7 v.1-6
Vollständiger alphabetischer Index zu dem althochdeutschen Sprachschatze / von E.G. Graff; Ausgearbeitet von H.F. Massmann. Hildesheim : G. Olms, 1963. vii, 292 p.
Alex Stacks PF3975.G7 1963, Douglass Stacks PF3975.G7 index [original 1846 ed.]
Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch / Rudolf Schützeichel. - 6. Aufl., überarb. und um die Glossen erw. - Tübingen : Niemeyer, 2006. 443 p.
Alex Reference PF3975.S33 2006; earlier eds. Alex Stacks PF3975.S33
Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch; auf Grund der von Elias v. Steinmeyer hinterlassenen Sammlungen im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig bearb. und hrsg. von Elisabeth Karg-Gasterstädt und Theodor Frings.
Alex Reference PF3975.A54 Bd. 1-4
Mittelhochdeutsches Woerterbuch [freely available online] / W. Müller, F. Zarncke. pref. by E. Nellmann. 3 Vols.
Leipzig 1854-1866. Reprint. - Stuttgart : Hirzel, 1990.
Alex and Robeson Stacks PF4327.M8 1963 and Alex Reference PF4327.M8 1990
Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen Wortschatz : mit einem rückläufigen Index / Kurt Gärtner ... [et al.]; Datenverarbeitung, Gerhard Hanrieder.
Stuttgart : S. Hirzel, 1992. xxxiii, 682 p.
Alex Stacks PF4339.F56 1992
Anglo-Norman dictionary / general editor, William Rothwell; edited by Stewart Gregory, William Rothwell & David Trotter; with the assistance of Michael Beddow ... [et al.]. 2nd ed.
London : Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2005-
Alex Reference PC2946.A54 2005
Anglo-Norman dictionary / Modern Humanities Research Association in conjunction with the Anglo-Norman Text Society; under the general editorship of Louise W. Stone and William Rothwell.
London : Modern Humanities Research Association, 1977-1992. 7 v. in 1
Alex Reference PC2946.M6
A medieval farming glossary of Latin and English words, taken mainly from Essex records / prepared by John L. Fisher. Edition: 2nd ed. / rev. by Avril & Raymond Powell.
Chelmsford : Essex Record Office, 2003. vi, 49 p.
Alex Stacks, McDonnell DA670.E7A17 no.138
Revised Medieval Latin word-list : from British and Irish sources / R. E. Latham.
London : Oxford University Press, 1965. xxiii, 524 p.
Alex, Art, Camden, Douglass Reference PA 2891.L3
This dictionary includes many Latin terms common in Britain and Ireland not found in other dictionaries. Translations are in English with dates but no textual citations.
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British sources / R. E. Latham.
London : Oxford University Press, 1975- .
Alex Reference PA2891.L28 fasc.1-9
A serial publication, this dictionary provides translations in English of terms common in medieval Britain. As of volume nine the series covers A-P.
A dictionary of medieval terms and phrases / Christopher Corèdon with Ann Williams.
Cambridge : D.S. Brewer, 2004. ix, 308 p.
Alex Reference DA129.C67 2004
A concise Anglo-Saxon dictionary. Fourth edition, with a supplement by Herbert D. Meritt, 1960; reprinted 1966.
Cambridge, [Eng.] : University Press, 1966 [1960, 1984] xv, 432 p.
Carr, Robeson Ref, Alex Eng PE279.H3 1960 Douglass Reference PE279.H3 1984
Dictionary of Old English: A-F / editors, Angus Cameron, Ashley Crandell Amos, Antonette diPaolo Healey; revising editor, Joan Holland. Version 1.0
Toronto, ON : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Dept. of Publications, c2003.
Alex Reference Ref-Com (CD-ROM workstation) PE279.D52 2003
A thesaurus of old English : in two volumes / Jane Roberts & Christian Kay, with Lynne Grundy. 2nd impression.
Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA : Rodopi, 2000.
Alex Stacks PE1.C66 n.s. v.131-132
Middle English dictionary / Hans Kurath, editor; Sherman M. Kuhn, associate editor.
Ann Arbor, Mich., U.S.A. : University of Michigan Press; London : G. Cumberledge, Oxford University Press, c1952-
Alex, Dana, Douglass, Robeson Reference and RU Online [Rutgers Restricted]
The Cambridge companion to medieval philosophy / edited by A.S. McGrade.
Cambridge; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. xviii, 405 p.
Alex, Robeson Stacks B721.C363 2003
The Cambridge companion to medieval Jewish philosophy / edited by Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman.
Cambridge, UK; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. xxiv, 483 p.
Alex, Robeson Stacks B755.C36 2003
Companion to medieval and Renaissance music / edited by Tess Knighton and David Fallows.
London : Dent, 1992. xx, 428 p.
Music Stacks ML172.C65 1992
A companion to medieval art : Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe / edited by Conrad Rudolph.
Malden, MA; Oxford : Blackwell, 2006. xxii, 676 p.
Art Stacks N5970.C56 2006
The Cambridge companion to medieval romance / edited by Roberta L. Krueger.
Cambridge, UK; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2000. xix, 290 p.
Alex McDonnell, Stacks and Robeson Stacks PN671.C36 2000
The Cambridge companion to medieval women's writing / edited by Carolyn Dinshaw and David Wallace.
Cambridge, U.K.; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. xix, 289 p.
Alex, Robeson Stacks PN682.W6C36 2003
A Companion to the medieval theatre / edited by Ronald W. Vince.
New York : Greenwood Press, 1989. xxxiii, 420 p.
Alex Stacks PN2152.C66 1989
The Cambridge companion to medieval English theatre / edited by Richard Beadle.
Cambridge [England]; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994. xxii, 372 p.
Douglass Reference, Robeson Stacks PN2587.C36 1994
A companion to medieval Scottish poetry / edited by Priscilla Bawcutt, Janet Hadley Williams.
Woodbridge, UK; Rochester, NY : D.S. Brewer, 2006. 229 p.
Alex Stacks PR8538.C66 2006
Medieval German literature : a companion / Marion E. Gibbs, Sidney M. Johnson.
New York : Garland Pub., 1997. xiv, 457 p.
Alex Stacks PT175.G53 1997
The Routledge companion to medieval warfare / Jim Bradbury.
London; New York : Routledge, 2004. ix, 381 p.
Alex Reference U37.B63 2004
Atlas de l'histoire de France. La France médiévale, IXe-XVe siècle / Olivier Guyotjeannin ; sous la direction de Jean Boutier ; cartographie de Guillaume Balavoine.
Paris : Autrement, 2005. 103 p.
Alex Reference G1844.21.S1G9 2005
Medieval France : an encyclopedia / William W. Kibler et al.
New York : Garland Pub., 1995. xxvi, 1047 p.
Alex, Douglass Reference DC33.2.M44 1995
Dictionnaire de la France médiévale / Jean Favier.
Paris : Fayard, c1993. 982 p.
Alex Stacks DC60.6.F38 1993
Atlas de Paris au Moyen Âge : espace urbain, habitat, société, religion, lieux de pouvoir / Philippe Lorentz & Dany Sandron; photographies Jacques Lebar.
Paris : Parigramme, c2006. 237 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps
Alex Reference NA9198.P2L67 2006
Dictionary of northern mythology / Rudolf Simek; translated by Angela Hall.
Cambridge [England]; Rochester, N.Y. : D.S. Brewer, 1993. xiv, 424 p.
Alex Reference BL850.S5613 1993
Lexikon der germanischen Mythologie / Rudolf Simek. 3., völlig überarb. Aufl.
Stuttgart : Kröner, 2006. xvii, 573 p.
Alex Reference BL850.S56 2006
Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte
München : Oldenbourg, 1988-.
Alex Stacks DD4.E59 1988 [14 vols. on medieval Germany are here or on order]
Well-written historiographical surveys on major topics in German history.
Medieval Germany : an encyclopedia / John M. Jeep.
New York; London : Garland Pub., 2001. xxxvii, 928 p.
Alex, Camden Reference DD157.M43 2001
Medieval Germany: Research and resources / John Eldevik.
Washington, D.C : German Historical Institute, 2006. Research Guide 21. x, 142 p.
Alex Reference [being cataloged]
Online on the site of the German Historical Institute
A catalogue of names of persons in the German court epics : an examination of literary sources and dissemination, together with notes on the etymologies of the more important names / by Frank W. Chandler; edited with an introduction and appendix by Martin H. Jones.
[London] : King's College London, Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, 1992. xxxi, 319 p.
Alex Stacks PT203.C43 1992
Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters : Verfasserlexikon / begründet von Wolfgang Stammler, fortgeführt von Karl Langosch. 2., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter / hrsg. von Kurt Ruh ... [et al] redaktion, Kurt Illing [and] Christine Stöllinger.
Berlin; New York : W. de Gruyter, c1977-
Alex Reference Z2230.S78 1977 v.1-12 +
The Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain / edited by Sian Echard and Robert Rouse (Hoboken: Wiley & Sons, 2016)
Medieval England : an encyclopedia / Paul E. Szarmach et al.
New York : Garland Pub., 1998. lxiv, 882 p.
Alex Reference DA129.M43 1998
Historical dictionary of late medieval England, 1272-1485 / edited by Ronald H. Fritze, William B. Robison.
Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2002. xvii, 658 p.
Alex, Robeson Reference DA175.H56 2002
An atlas of Anglo-Saxon England / David Hill.
Toronto; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, 1981. 1 atlas (xii, 180 p.)
Alex, Dana, Robeson Reference and Dana Stacks G1812.21.S2H5 1981
Medieval Ireland : an encyclopedia / Seán Duffy et al.
New York : Routledge, 2005. xxxi, 546 p.
Alex Reference DA933.M43 2005
Medieval Italy : an encyclopedia / Christopher Kleinhenz.
New York : Routledge, 2004. 2 v.
Alex Reference DG443.M43 2004 v. 1-2
Prosopografia dell'Italia bizantina (493-804) / Salvatore Cosentino.
Bologna : Editrice Lo Scarabeo, 1996-
Alex Stacks DG504.5.C67 1996 v.1-2 [more to follow]
Historical dictionary of medieval Russia / Lawrence N. Langer.
Lanham, Md.; London : Scarecrow Press, 2002. xxxii, 288 p.
Alex Reference DK71.L32 2002
Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder fra vikingetid til reformationstid / Kobenhavn: Rosenkilde og Bagger, 1956-78.
Alexander Stacks DL30.K8 v.1-22
Medieval Scandinavia : an encyclopedia / Phillip Pulsiano et al.
New York : Garland, 1993. xix, 768 p.
Alex Stacks, Camden Reference DL30.M43 1993
Medieval Iberia : an encyclopedia / E. Michael Gerli et al.
New York; London : Routledge, 2003. xxx, 920 p.
Alex, Camden Reference DP99.M33 2003
Dicionário da literatura medieval galega e portuguesa / organização e coordenação de Giulia Lanciani e Giuseppe Tavani; [traduções, José Colaço Barreiros e Artur Guerra].
Lisboa : Caminho, c1993. 698 p.
Dana Camoes PQ9038.D4 1993
Tentative dictionary of medieval Spanish / compiled by Lloyd A. Kasten and Florian J. Cody. Edition: 2nd ed., greatly expanded.
New York : Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, c2001. 745 p.
Alex Reference PC4715.Z5K37 2001
Diccionario medieval español : desde las Glosas Emilianenses y Silenses (s.X) hasta el siglo XV / Martín Alonso.
[Salamanca] : Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, [1986] 2 v.
Alex Reference PC4715.Z5A46 1984
Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Bibliographie [electronic resource] / München: K.G. Saur, 2001-. CD-ROM ed.
Alex Reference CD-ROM PA5000.B82 ED. 2
Author index of Byzantine studies [microform]
Dumbarton Oaks, Center for Byzantine Studies, Washington, D.C. Zug, Switzerland: IDC, 1985. 170 microfiches, [5] leaves.
Annex Microforms 391
An annotated bibliography of Byzantine sources in English translation / Emily Albu Hanawalt.
Brookline, Mass. : Hellenic College Press, 1988. 37 p.; 22 cm.
Art Library DF521.H36 1988
Byzantinoturcica / Gyula Moravcsik.
Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1958. 2 v. facsims.
Alex Stacks DR436.M6 1958 v.1-2
The Oxford dictionary of Byzantium / Alexander P. Kazhdan.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1991. 3 v. : ill.
Alex, Art, Camden, Newark Reference DF521.O93 1991 v.1-3
Medieval Islamic civilization : an encyclopedia / Josef W. Meri.
New York : Routledge, 2006. 2 v.
Alex Reference DS36.85.M434 2006 v.1-2
A Greek and Arabic lexicon : materials for a dictionary of the medieval translations from Greek into Arabic / edited by Gerhard Endress and Dimitri Gutas.
Leiden; New York : E.J. Brill, 1992-
Alex Stacks PA184.3.G73 1992
The literature of Islam : a guide to the primary sources in English translation / Paula Youngman Skreslet, Rebecca Skreslet.
Lanham, Maryland : Scarecrow Press, Inc. : American Theological Library Association, 2006. xix, 243 p.
Alex Reference Z7835.M6S585 2006
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