Global Press Archive contains digitized historical news sources from around the world in their original languages. On this platform, Rutgers has access to the newspaper collections that are available via Open Access. Highlights include:
Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports is a collection of documents produced by JPRS, a unit of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), from 1957 – 1995. It contains English-language translations of foreign-language monographs, reports, journal and newspaper articles, and radio and television broadcasts from regions throughout the world with an emphasis on communist and developing countries.
Rutgers has online access to seven major newspapers of the United States from their first issue until recent years:
Chicago Defender: July 31, 1909; January 1, 1910 – December 31, 1975
Courier Post: January 2, 1950 - present
New York Times: September 18, 1851 – 3 years prior to the current year
Philadelphia Inquirer: November 7, 1860 – December 31, 2001
Pittsburgh Gazette: August 29, 1786 – December 31, 2003
Wall Street Journal: July 8, 1889 – 12 years prior to the current year
Washington Post: December 6, 1877 – 16 years prior to the current year
The ProQuest Historical Newspapers Combined Search makes it possible to search all of them together at the same time.
We have access to The Times of London for various years on different platforms. Of greatest interest for the historian is The Times Digital Archive from Gale, which provides the years 1785-2014,